La Federazione Europea delle Associazioni Filateliche nel suo ultimo Fepa News
insieme con tutte le ultime notizie e i resoconti delle ultime manifestazioni ha voluto evidenziare la notorietà raggiunta dal sito e dalla relativa pagina Facebook del nostro Marco Occhipinti con un interessante articolo: “Sfizi.Di. Posta – A new Approach to Divulgating Interest for Philately“
in cui Marco si racconta.

Insieme ricordata anche la manifestazione di Vasto che si svolgerà a settembre dal 15 al 17 e del suo Premio Massari.

22° Premio Internazionale di Filatelia Tematica Musicale
‘Augusto Massari’
Luca Lavagnino has sent us the following Press Release:
Under the patronage of the Italian Federation of Philatelic Societies, in Vasto – Italy the 22nd International Musical Thematic Philately Prize “Augusto Massari” will be held from 15 to 17 September 2023, organised by the Circolo Filatelico Vastophil “Rino Piccirilli” in collaboration with the CIFT – Italian Centre of Thematic Philately.
Participation is reserved for exhibits dealing with a musical topic in the classes of Maximaphily, Open Philately, Philatelic Literature, and Thematic Philately. According to the regulation, multi-frame, one-frame, and out-of-competition exhibits can be presented. The exhibition will be held according to the formula “one frame plus”, namely only the first frames will be shown, whereas the pdf of the whole exhibit will be available on computers in the exhibition hall.
The jury members are Koenraad Bracke, Luciano Calenda, Rosario D’Agata, Valeriano Genovese and Damian Läge.
The Massari Prize will be held concomitantly with the national exhibition Vastophil 2023, at Palazzo d’Avalos – Piazza Lucio Valerio Pudente 1 – Vasto.
Entry forms must be sent by 17th July.
Further information, regulations and entry forms are available on the website
Download the Press Release here:°-Premio-Massari-Press-release-22nd-Massari-Prize.pdf
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